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Title: Factores que intervienen en la deserción escolar de los estudiantes de educación general básica de la Unidad Educativa “Priorato”, año lectivo 2021-2022
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Pabon Chala, Adalberto Ivan
Authors: Muñoz Segovia, Erick Alexander
metadata.dc.type: bachelorThesis
Issue Date: 20-Jun-2023 3-May-2023
Abstract: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic that the country is going through, education has been one of the most affected, many of the students have made the decision to abandon their studies for different reasons, whether academic or personal, this phenomenon is a factor for cause school failure. The objective of the research is to investigate the factors that cause school dropout from the Unidad Educativa “Priorato”. The study covers a mixed methodology, that is, it is a quantitative research with a descriptive scope, because the different characteristics and properties of the variable "Factors involved in school dropout" were specified; the universe studied were students from fifth year to seventh year, from this universe the survey was applied to a representative sample of 97 students. The results of the survey regarding whether children as young as 10 help their parents to work help their parents to work, being an alarming fact when children should not work and should only dedicate themselves to their educational obligations. It was concluded that external factors are predominant in school dropouts because they are several and can significantly harm student performance, ending in a school fiasco.
Description: Determinar los factores que intervinieron en la deserción escolar de los estudiantes de Educación General Básica de la Unidad Educativa “Priorato”, año lectivo 2021-2022.
metadata.dc.identifier.other: FECYT/ 4171
metadata.dc.coverage: Ibarra, Ecuador Licenciatura
metadata.dc.identifier.mfn: 0000041083
metadata.dc.contributor.deparment: Ciencias de la Educación Básica
Appears in Collections:Educación Básica

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