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Título : Scaffolding Strategies to Strengthen Speaking Skills in 9th Grade Students at Presbítero Amable Herrera High School
Director: Guevara Betancourt, Sandra Mariana
Autor : Lechón Vásquez, Estefani Nicole
Tipo docuemento: bachelorThesis
Fecha de publicación : 15-feb-2024
Fecha de creación : 30-ene-2024
Resumen : Teaching English as a foreign language (EFL) presents a challenge in developing basic language skills, particularly in speaking. There are a variety of approaches, methods, and strategies for improving oral production, including scaffolding. Scaffolding is a collaborative expert-learner learning process that enables students to expand their Zone of Proximal Development (ZDP) and achieve greater autonomy and independence in oral production. Therefore, the main goal of this research is to analyze scaffolding strategies to strengthen speaking skill among ninth-grade students of Presbítero Amable Herrera high school during the academic period 2022-2023. The research used a mixed methods approach, integrating qualitative data from teacher interviews about teaching method, learning difficulties, and the use of new strategy ‘scaffolding’. Additionally, surveys were conducted with students to gather information about their interests and major difficulties in English language learning. The teachers expressed the major difficulties of students in EFL are related with emotional and physical factors, so they show a positive attitude towards the application of scaffolding strategies to optimize the teaching and learning experience due to its adaptability to the learners’ need. On the other side, the students indicates that the application of other didactic strategies and activities can assist them in overcoming their major limitations in speaking tasks during English classes. As a result, a didactic guide was developed, which focuses on scaffolding strategies that include activities, and didactic resources that help the construction of knowledge and communicative skills in students.
Descripción : Analyze scaffolding strategies to strengthen speaking skills in ninth grade students at Presbítero Amable Herrera High School.
URI : http://repositorio.utn.edu.ec/handle/123456789/15540
Ubicación: FECYT/ 4429
Ciudad. País: Ibarra. Ecuador.
Grado Académico: Licenciatura
Código MFN : 0000042594
Carrera Profesional: Pedagogía de los Idiomas Nacionales y Extranjeros Mención Inglés
Aparece en las colecciones: Pedagogía de los Idiomas Nacionales y Extranjeros

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