Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 240
Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | ???itemlist.dc.contributor.advisor??? |
 | 2-May-2023 | Youtube as an e-learning tool to improve listening skills in 1° “BGU” of Unidad Educativa Salesiana Sánchez y Cifuentes from Ibarra | Criollo Cholango, Alex Fernando | Obando Arroyo, José Miguel |
 | 17-Apr-2023 | Lingodeer to develop speaking skills in english with students from level 8th at Unidad Educativa Miguel Egas Cabezas in Otavalo | Córdova Díaz, Inti Sairi | Flores Albuja, Darwin Fernando |
 | 14-Apr-2023 | The use of the flipped classroom to improve English listening skills in high school students at Unidad Educativa San Vicente Ferrer | Barandica Cadena, Lizeth Alejandra | Bastidas Amador, Amyra Gabriela |
 | 14-Apr-2023 | Content-based instruction strategies applied to comics to reinforce writing skills of third bgu students at “Unidad Educativa Abelardo Moncayo” during 2022-2023 | Morales Jijón, Byron Vinicio | Flores Albuja, Darwin Fernando |
 | 30-Mar-2023 | Using songs as a didactic strategy to develop listening skills with freshman students at Alfredo Albuja High School from Ibarra in 2021-2022 school year | Vernaza Casquete, José Elías | Obando Arroyo, José Miguel |
 | 14-Mar-2023 | Affective factors influencing the oral production in english students from 8th school year of basic general education of the “Teodoro Gómez de la Torre” Educational Unit, Ibarra canton | Segovia Ruiz, Diana Jessica | Mantilla Guerra, Marcia Lucia |
 | 7-Feb-2023 | Mindfulness strategies to strengthen writing skills in freshman students at Unidad Educativa Internacional Pensionado Atahualpa | Irúa Lechón, Marcia Vanessa | Flores Albuja, Darwin Fernando |
 | 1-Feb-2023 | Communicative strategies to improve speaking skills at Yaguachi Primary School of Ibarra during the academic period 2021-2022 | Moreno Lara, Karla Jhasmin | Mantilla Guerra, Marcia Lucia |
 | 1-Feb-2023 | English songs as a strategy to improve pronunciation on second-level English Major students at UTN during 2021-2022 academic period | Melo Puetate, Wiliam Alexander | Mantilla Guerra, Marcia Lucia |
 | 1-Feb-2023 | Audiolingual method to improve speaking skills in 8th level students at Víctor Manuel Guzmán High School in the academic year 2021-2022 | Pineda Portilla, Leidy Valeria | Congo Maldonado, Rubén Agapito |
 | 5-Jan-2023 | Self-directed learning strategies to improve students speaking skills into virtual classes at Sagrado Corazón de Jesús High School in Tulcán | Cupuerán Guerrero, Jessica Lisbeth | Congo Maldonado, Rubén Agapito |
 | 2-Dec-2022 | Using picture cued story telling technique to improve pronunciation in second level students at Instituto Superior Tecnológico 17 de Julio | Tequis Ibujes, Paola Guadalupe | Flores Albuja, Darwin Fernando |
 | 8-Nov-2022 | ICT Tools to strengthen writing skills in third- level high school students in Parish of Tupigachi in the Pedro Moncayo canton | Quilumbaquin Cabascango, Erika Janeth | Congo Maldonado, Rubén Agapito |
 | 20-Oct-2022 | Digital didactic resources using task-based language learning to improve speaking skills in 7th grade students at Daniel Reyes school in the academic year 2021-2022 | Perugachi Fueres, Katerine Lizeth | Bastidas Amador, Amyra Gabriela |
 | 14-Oct-2022 | Techniques based on process writing approach to improve academic compositions at “Luis Ulpiano de la Torre” High School, 2021 – 2022 | Andrade Troya, Adriana Aydé | Guevara Betancourt, Sandra Mariana |
 | 13-Oct-2022 | Audiovisual Aids using Flipped Classroom to Improve English Speaking Fluency in Sophomore Students at César Antonio Mosquera High School from 2021 to 2022 | Tatamues Chamorro, Angie Mariuxi | Obando Arroyo, José Miguel |
 | 13-Oct-2022 | Ludic strategies for the acquisition of english-speaking lexicon in second-grade students from "Víctor Manuel Peñaherrera" institution in the academic period 2021-2022 | Solano Taco, Juan Carlos | Flores Albuja, Darwin Fernando |
 | 4-Oct-2022 | Inclusive learning environments to teach speaking skills to down syndrome students in 7th grade at Joya School | Otavalo Tixicuro, Estefany Nicol | Obando Arroyo, José Miguel |
 | 27-Sep-2022 | Didactic material based on culture from la Carolina town to foster english reading skills in students of 6th - 7th grades at “Fuerza Aérea Ecuatoriana, Zona 01” school | Malte Rodríguez, Paola Marcela | Bastidas Amador, Amyra Gabriela |
 | 22-Sep-2022 | Ludic activities to improve the oral production in senior students at Ibarra high school in the academic year 2021-2022 | Pulamarin Andrango, Gricelda Lizbeth | Obando Arroyo, José Miguel |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 240