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Título : Implementation of ECRIF framework to improve speaking skills in a1 level students at Instituto Tecnológico T´Sachila in Santo Domingo 2021
Director : Escudero Orozco, Gloria Isabel
Autor : Muñoz Salguero, Alba Elizabeth
Tipo documento : bachelorThesis
Fecha de publicación : 13-abr-2023
Fecha de creación : 3-mar-2023
Resumen : This research work aimed to review the state of the art of the ECRIF framework to be applied to improve the oral production of the English students at the T’sachila Institute. The information was collected using field research instruments such as an interview and a survey which helped identify the problems of the first-level A1 English students and teachers. With this vital information, the researcher identified the most appropriate speaking strategies to improve the students’ speaking skills to encourage and motivate students' interest in practicing their speech. The study had a quasi-experimental design that applied a pre-test and post-test. A proposal based on the ECRIF framework with speaking strategies such as group conversations, dialogues, debates, and picture descriptions were applied during the intervention. As a result of this research, there was a notable improvement in the student's pronunciation and intonation, lexical range, appropriateness of linguistic choices, grammatical accuracy, fluency, communications strategies, cohesion, and coherence according to the A1 level of English based on the CEFR of languages. Discussion of the research questions, conclusions, and recommendations are based on the applications and implications of this study.
Descripción : To implement the ECRIF framework to improve speaking skills in A1 level students at Instituto Tecnológico T´sachila in Santo Domingo 2021.
URI : http://repositorio.utn.edu.ec/handle/123456789/13757
OTRO : PG/ 1366
Ciudad. País: Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas. Ecuador
Grado Académico: Maestría
Código MFN : 0000040780
Carrera Profesional: Pedagogía de los Idiomas Nacionales y Extranjeros Mención inglés
Aparece en las colecciones: Tesis Postgrado

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