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Title: Application of flipped classroom to enhance the reading skill in efl students with unfinished schooling at Monseñor Leonidas Proaño Fiscomisional School in Carchi province
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Guevara Betancourt, Sandra Mariana
Authors: Bolaños Tobar, David Stevenson
metadata.dc.type: masterThesis
Issue Date: 29-Jun-2023 15-Jun-2023
Abstract: This research work regarding the application of Flipped Classroom to improve the reading ability in students with unfinished schooling was carried out with the senior year students of the Monseñor Leonidas Proaño Fiscomisional Educational High School PCEI in Carchi Province. This investigation was conducted because the student population of this High School has student lag. The flipped classroom provides the opportunity to work with students with prior preparation at home before arriving to the classroom. The use of technological tools is very important since with this aforementioned teaching method, a lot of the pages, applications and tools that are offered to us online are used, in order to be able to apply within the learning of the second language such as English. Acquiring a second language has become so essential today that this pedagogical model was implemented for students, framed in reading skills and thus, encouraging students to read more in an interactive and attractive way for them. To achieve the proposed objectives, the best methodology according to the student population was implemented. A type 4 mixed methodology was used. In this methodology, the exploratory study was carried out applying the qualitative method and statistical analysis of what was collected through the data collection instruments. These instruments were applied to teachers through the Zoom platform and a survey was applied to the students virtually using Google forms, once the data from the interviews and surveys were collected, the quantitative method was used to tabulate the data and obtain the results. The results evidenced that both teachers and students consider learning a foreign language important and the little importance given to the ability to read within the teaching-learning process. To help students and teachers, a didactic guide was created with strategies focused on the use of the flipped class to improve reading in learning English.
Description: To analyze the application of flipped classroom for the enhancement of the reading skill in senior year EFL students with unfinished schooling at Monseñor Leonidas Proaño Fiscomisional High School in Carchi province during 2021-2022.
metadata.dc.identifier.other: PG/ 1482
metadata.dc.coverage: Ibarra. Ecuador Maestría
metadata.dc.identifier.mfn: 0000041404
metadata.dc.contributor.deparment: Pedagogía de los Idiomas Nacionales y Extranjeros Mención inglés
Appears in Collections:Tesis Postgrado

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