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Title: Self-learning Strategies to Increase Vocabulary Using Duolingo App in Freshman Students of Abelardo Moncayo High School, Academic Period 2022-2023
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Narváez Vega, Franklin Fernando
Authors: Chunchir Sibri, Manuel Andrés
metadata.dc.type: bachelorThesis
Issue Date: 4-Aug-2023 11-Jul-2023
Abstract: This research arises from the need to improve education in relation to the learning of new vocabulary of the English language taking advantage of the facilities provided by the new technological era. For this reason, the use of self-learning strengthens the acquisition of new vocabulary in students with the help of the inverted classroom methodology that allows students to generate their own knowledge with the guidance of the tutor-teacher, thus making them the main protagonists of their learning. That is why the present research is carried out in the eighth-grade students of the Abelardo Moncayo school with the objective of proposing self-learning activities for the development of vocabulary with the help of the Duolingo application. As well as to develop a teaching-learning guide applying the inverted classroom, seeking in this way the development of language skills in an easy and fun way of learning, breaking stereotypes of traditional teaching of the English language. This research was developed on a scientific basis with a mixed method applied to the research population in order to obtain qualitative and quantitative data on vocabulary learning, after knowing the results obtained through data analysis, it was possible to determine the need to apply technological tools in the classroom to strengthen learning. Consequently, a proposal is established to help improve the development of language skills, especially the acquisition of vocabulary, applying current methodologies that allow students to maintain interest in the topics presented and serve for communication in a real environment. Finally, the conclusions and recommendations about the guide are expressed, since it is important to highlight that the use of a new methodology can improve the language learning in a different way, taking advantage of the facilities provided by the current era, such as technological tools, thus solving the needs of students in learning English as a second language.
Description: Propose Self-learning Strategies to Increase Vocabulary Using Duolingo App in Freshman Students of Abelardo Moncayo High School, Academic Period 2022-2023.
metadata.dc.identifier.other: FECYT/ 4276
metadata.dc.coverage: Ibarra. Ecuador. Licenciatura
metadata.dc.identifier.mfn: 0000041609
metadata.dc.contributor.deparment: Pedagogía de los Idiomas Nacionales y Extranjeros Mención Inglés
Appears in Collections:Pedagogía de los Idiomas Nacionales y Extranjeros

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