Pedagogía de los Idiomas Nacionales y Extranjeros : [45] Collection home page


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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 45
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)???itemlist.dc.contributor.advisor???
05 FECYT 4708 logo.jpg.jpg16-Jan-2025English pop songs as a strategy for the development of listening skills in senior students at Teodoro Gómez de la Torre High SchoolCorrea Pozo, Emily MarleyBastidas Amador, Amyra Gabriela
05 FECYT 4697 logo.jpeg.jpg7-Jan-2025Neurolinguistic programming in the written vocabulary in senior students of Mariano Suarez Veintimilla SchoolPortilla Erazo, Jazmín IsamarMantilla Guerra, Marcia Lucía
FECYT 4690 LOGO.jpg.jpg26-Nov-2024Cooperative Learning Strategies to Improve Senior Students’ Speaking Skills at Teodoro Gómez de la Torre High SchoolChamorro Chandi, Janina ElizabethObando Arroyo, José Miguel
05 FECYT 4625 logo.jpg.jpg5-Aug-2024Storytelling as a strategy for the enhancement of listening comprehension in first-level English Major students at Universidad Técnica del Norte, school year 2023-2024Ortiz Salazar, Guadalupe RocíoAlarcón Ramos, Marcela Elizabeth
FECYT 4613 LOGO.jpg.jpg29-Jul-2024Incidence of affective factors in senior students’ oral production at Teodoro Gómez de la Torre High School, academic period 2022-2023Trujillo Aguirre, Dayana NicoleGuevara Betancourt, Sandra Mariana
FECYT 4587 LOGO.jpg.jpg8-Jul-2024Use of traditional legends of Ibarra to improve reading skills on EFL sixth level students at Víctor Manuel Guzmán HighschoolGarcía Varela, Marco DavidObando Arroyo, José Miguel
FECYT 4575 LOGO.jpg.jpg18-Jun-2024Using videos as a strategy to teach the pronunciation of Plosive Bilabial Minimal Pairs in seventh-grade students at Juan Pablo II High School,academic period 2022-2023Montenegro Fernández, Stefany MishelleObando Arroyo, José Miguel
FECYT 4541 LOGO.jpg.jpg24-Apr-2024Use of picture books as a strategy to improve reading comprehension in sophomore students at Colegio UniversitarioLeón Molina, Nicole AlejandraBastidas Amador, Amyra Gabriela
FECYT 4454 LOGO.jpg.jpg29-Feb-2024Total Physical Response Method to Improve Speaking Fluency in Elementary Students of Otavalo High School, Academic Period 2022-2023Diaz Flores, Joel DavidObando Arroyo, José Miguel
FECYT 4453 LOGO.png.jpg28-Feb-2024Podcasts as an Academic Strategy to Improve Listening Skills in Senior Students at César Antonio Mosquera High School, Academic Period 2022-2023Ayala Ayala, Maritza LilianaCongo Maldonado, Rubén Agapito
FECYT 4465 LOGO.jpg.jpg27-Feb-2024Folk tales as a strategy to improve reading skills on seventh-graders at Unidad Educativa IbarraCupueran Chico, Mishell EstefaníaBastidas Amador, Amyra Gabriela
FECYT 4464 LOGO.jpg.jpg27-Feb-2024Figurative Language Strategies to Improve Vocabulary in Ninth Grade Students at República del Ecuador High SchoolLópez Toapanta, Erika EstefaníaGuevara Betancourt, Sandra Mariana
FECYT 4463 LOGO.jpeg.jpg27-Feb-2024Awá Legends as a Pedagogical Resource to Improve Reading Skills in Junior Students at Colegio de Bachillerato Universitario UTNGuaña Vaca, Rosario MaribelObando Arroyo, José Miguel
05 FECYT 4447 logo.jpg.jpg23-Feb-2024Eclectic method to enhance oral production in elementary students at Unidad Educativa Daniel Reyes, during the academic year 2022-2023Merino Yépez, Brisa Sarai; Cevallos Almeida, Fabricio AlexanderBastidas Amador, Amyra Gabriela
05 FECYT 4446 logo.jpg.jpg23-Feb-2024Lexical Approach to Develop Speaking Skills in Fourth Graders at Teodoro Gomez de la Torre SchoolSaravino Chávez, Angie MacielFlores Albuja, Darwin Fernando
05 FECYT 4445 logo.jpg.jpg23-Feb-2024Natural Tourist Places of Intag as a Didactic Resource to Improve Reading Skills in Senior Students at Unidad Educativa Cuellaje, Academic Period 2022- 2023Puma Angulo, Deysi CristinaGuevara Betancourt, Sandra Mariana
05 FECYT 4436 logo.jpg.jpg23-Feb-2024Digital applications for the development of listening skills in first level students at Universidad Técnica del Norte, academic period 2022-2023Pupiales Farinango, Silvia MaribelNarváez Vega, Franklin Fernando
05 FECYT 4434 logo.jpeg.jpg22-Feb-2024Montessori Method to Improve Writing Skill in Seventh Grade Students at Otavalo SchoolTabango Vallejos, Holly MishellAlarcón Ramos, Marcela Elizabeth
FECYT 4441 LOGO.jpg.jpg22-Feb-2024Total physical response didactic strategies to improve oral production in tenth year students at Victor Manuel Guzman High School in The Academic period 2022-2023Guzmán Carpio, Raúl AlexanderBastidas Amador, Amyra Gabriela
FECYT 4440 LOGO.jpg.jpg20-Feb-2024Total Physical Response to Improve Speaking Fluency in Elementary Students of Otavalo High School, Academic Period 2022-2023Díaz Flores, Joel DavidObando Arroyo, José Miguel
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 45