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Resultados 1-10 de 11.
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05 FECYT 3780 logo.jpg.jpg26-abr-2021La metodología thinking based – learning para optimizar funciones del hemisferio izquierdo específicamente la habilidad de reading en el idioma inglésPatiño Alarcón, Fernando AndrésAndrade Molina, Christian David
05 FECYT 3779 logo.jpg.jpg26-abr-2021Digital language learning resources based on Cayambe Culture to improve english skills for teenagers of the Guachalá community local schoolCarlosama Quinatoa, Adriana ElizabethAndrade Molina, Christian David
05 FECYT 3733 logo.jpeg.jpg19-ene-2021Emotional factors affecting the oral production in english students from 8th school year of basic general education of the Victor Mideros High School, Ibarra cantonQuistial Erazo, Brayan GerónimoMantilla Guerra, Marcia Lucía
05 FECYT 3795 logo.jpg.jpg26-may-2021Affective factors that influence english oral production in the 8th level basic general education students of the Unidad Educativa Particular “Oviedo”, Ibarra canton, school year 2018-2019Enríquez Tarapués, Nathaly SilvanaBastidas Amador, Amyra Gabriela
FECYT 3851 logo.JPG.jpg9-nov-2021Effects of 3D environments as an assessment tool to encourage English oral production in senior students at "Empresa Pública UTN”, Ibarra, 2020-2021Peña Torres, Juan AndrésAndrade Molina, Christian David
05 FECYT 3867 logo.jpg.jpg8-dic-2021L1 Interference in L2 Vowel Pronunciation in Senior Students'Vaca Coral, Estiwar PatricioMantilla Guerra, Marcia Lucía
05 FECYT 3918 logo.jpg.jpg15-mar-2022Communicative Language Teaching Strategies to Foster English Speaking Skills in Junior Students at Victor Manuel Guzman High School During the Academic Period 2020-2021Vozmediano Mesa, Samanta GuiselaCongo Maldonado, Rubén Agapito
05 FECYT 3927 logo.jpg.jpg23-mar-2022Peripheral Learning Strategies Based on Suggestopedia to Improve Junior Students' English Reading Skills at Víctor Manuel Guzmán High School during the Academic Period 2020-2021Terán Rosales, David FranciscoCongo Maldonado, Rubén Agapito
05 FECYT 3908 logo.jpg.jpg8-mar-2022Mother tongue interference on meaningful english language learning in writing skills in 6th and 7th grade students at U.E. YaguachiCisneros Iles, Stalin David; Sánchez Imbaquingo, Amanda GisselaMantilla Guerra, Marcia Lucia
05 FECYT 3926 logo.jpg.jpg23-mar-2022Traditional Tales as Innovative Didactic Strategies to Improve Junior Students Reading Skills at 28 de Septiembre High School of Ibarra During the School Period 2020-2021Recalde Torres, Alexander SalomónCongo Maldonado, Rubén Agapito