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Title: Connectivisim theory to develop english listening skills on senior students at Monte Olivo High School Academic period 2021 -2022
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Obando Arroyo, José Miguel
Authors: Montenegro Paspuel, Diego Fabricio
metadata.dc.type: bachelorThesis
Issue Date: 24-Jul-2023 4-Jul-2023
Abstract: Learning theories understand how people acquire different types of knowledge and describe methods to make understanding clear. Assuming that in this research work are described five learning theories that were used to reach the main objectives. They are Behaviorism learning theory; it is based on the stimulus-response scheme and is based on objective and experimental procedures. It determines that learning is based on human behavior change and modifies behavior through stimulation, response, and reinforcement. This research is supported by the Connectivism learning theory, it is one of the most important theories in the present research because it uses technology as an important role in society. Furthermore, their technological tools helped create the proposal's creation activities, which is useful for students in their education in the digital age. In the globalized world acquiring a second language is important because it allows people to relate to different labor branches. Language acquisition involves structures, rules, and representation. The capacity to use language successfully requires one to acquire a range of tools including phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and an extensive vocabulary. This research is focused on listening skills, language is one of the essential parts, because it allows students not only to understand but also to imitate sounds and to be understood more clearly, in addition to being able to understand the speakers of the language. It refers to the capacity for listening comprehension and, as we mentioned at the beginning, it allows us to imitate sounds and improve precision when speaking. The reason for the importance of Listening is that when people are babies and children, they only identify the phonemes of their own language and do not consider the others, because it does not resemble what they were used to since they were born.
Description: Analyze the Connectivism theory for the development of English listening skills on senior students at Monte Olivo High School.
metadata.dc.identifier.other: FECYT/ 4265
metadata.dc.coverage: Monteolivo. Carchi. Licenciatura
metadata.dc.identifier.mfn: 0000041549
metadata.dc.contributor.deparment: Inglés
Appears in Collections:Lic. en Inglés

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