Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 240
Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | ???itemlist.dc.contributor.advisor??? |
 | 24-Jul-2023 | Connectivisim theory to develop english listening skills on senior students at Monte Olivo High School Academic period 2021 -2022 | Montenegro Paspuel, Diego Fabricio | Obando Arroyo, José Miguel |
 | 28-Jun-2023 | Total Physical Response strategies to improve oral production of eight-year students at Carlos Martinez Acosta High School in Mira during 2021-2022 | Vinueza Minda, Alexandra Elizabeth | Flores Albuja, Darwin Fernando |
 | 27-Jun-2023 | M-Learning Strategies to Improve Writing Skills in Junior Students at Daniel Reyes High School in the Academic Year, 2022-2023 | Morales Avila, Kelly Estefania | Bastidas Amador, Amyra Gabriela |
 | 23-Jun-2023 | Podcasts for the development of English listening skills in senior students at Teodoro Gómez de la Torre High School, academic period 2022 – 2023 | Hinojosa Moreno, Gabriela Carolina | Congo Maldonado, Rubén Agapito |
 | 22-Jun-2023 | Montessori method to develop english speaking skills in fourth-grade students at Cotacachi High School, academic period 2022 – 2023 | Flores Santacruz, Jomayra Alejandra | Bastidas Amador, Amyra Gabriela |
 | 22-Jun-2023 | Game-based learning strategies to improve English vocabulary in senior students at Teodoro Gómez de la Torre High School, Academic year 2022-2023 | Carrera Briones, Gabriela Soledad | Bastidas Amador, Amyra Gabriela |
 | 19-Jun-2023 | Multimodal Learning Approach to Improve Listening Skills in Sophomore Students at Victor Mideros High School in the Academic Period 2022- 2023 | Fernández Ramírez, Pamela Lizbeth | Guevara Betancourt, Sandra Mariana |
 | 16-Jun-2023 | Gamification Technique based on Genially platform for the Improvement of Reading Skills in Sophomore Students at Víctor Manuel Guzmán High School, academic period 2022-2023 | Calderón Rosero, Allison Denisse | Guevara Betancourt, Sandra Mariana |
 | 15-Jun-2023 | Kichwa-Otavalos Indigenous Context Culture Community to Improve English Oral Production in Senior Students at Miguel Egas Cabezas High School in Peguche | Guevara Suarez, Luis Felipe | Flores Albuja, Darwin Fernando |
 | 12-Jun-2023 | Neuro Linguistic Techniques to Boost Speaking Lexicon in Senior Students at Víctor Mideros High School, Academic Period 2022 - 2023 | Benavides Serpa, Shirley Madeline | Flores Albuja, Darwin Fernando |
 | 7-Jun-2023 | Audio lingual method to improve speaking skills in 8th grade students at Colegio de Bachillerato Universitario UTN, academic period 2022-2023 | Shigue Tabango, Nayeli Nicole | Bastidas Amador, Amyra Gabriela |
 | 7-Jun-2023 | Web tool pic lits activities as a strategy to enhance writing narrative construction in first level english major students at utn university, academic period 2022-2023 | Ordoñez Chávez, Claudio Estefano | Obando Arroyo, José Miguel |
 | 6-Jun-2023 | Cooperative learning as a didactic strategy to develop speaking skills in 3rd level students at Universidad Técnica del Norte | Velásquez Cortez, Elena Viviana | Obando Arroyo, José Miguel |
 | 31-May-2023 | ICTs tools as didactic resources to enhance speaking skills in senior students at “Abelardo Moncayo” High School in 2021-2022 academic year | Morales Ramírez, Luis Ulises | Mantilla Guerra, Marcia Lucia |
 | 25-May-2023 | La motivación en los aprendizajes de radicales en el noveno año de educación general básica de la unidad educativa “28 de abril” en el periodo académico 2022- 2023 | Morillo Robles, Jessenia Esthefany | Narváez Pinango, Miguel Ángel |
 | 25-May-2023 | Dramatization as a strategy to improve speaking skills in 8th level students at Sánchez y Cifuentes high school, academic period 2021-2022 | Abalco Escobar, Priscila Estefanía | Congo Maldonado, Rubén Agapito |
 | 25-May-2023 | Game Based Learning to Improve Oral Production Skills in Senior Students at Thomas Russell Crampton High School in Cayambe During 2021-2022 | Quilumbaquín Arciniega, Steven Fernando | Congo Maldonado, Ruben |
 | 25-May-2023 | Development of a mobile application as a didactic strategy to improve english vocabulary in elementary school students | Borrallos Pérez, Alan Kevin | Obando Arroyo, Jose Miguel |
 | 8-May-2023 | Total Physical Response Strategies To improve vocabulary with 6th-grade students at the Enma Graciela Romero School of Tabacundo in the academic year 2022 – 2023 | Freire González, Nicole Alejandra | Obando Arroyo, José Miguel |
 | 2-May-2023 | Using Journals as Strategies to Enhance Writing Skills in Eighth-Grade Students at Unidad Educativa Salesiana Sánchez y Cifuentes from Ibarra, 2021-2022 | Mejía Cacuango, Jeniffer Pamela | Guevara Betancourt, Sandra Mariana |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 240