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Title: Drama Strategiesin the Development of Speaking Skillsin Senior Students at Victor Manuel Guzman High-School, Academic Period 2022-2023
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Narváez Vega, Franklin Fernando
Authors: Villarruel Pazmiño, Byron Israel
metadata.dc.type: bachelorThesis
Issue Date: 25-Oct-2023 11-Oct-2023
Abstract: In the modern world, the English language is one of the principles and most important to people's communication in each culture whereby they express ideas and pansies. Therefore, English proficiency in students is an essential skill so that they will have extensive knowledge and opportunities for work. Hence, the main objective of this research is to propose the "Dama Strategies in the Development of Speaking Skills in Senior Students at Victor Manuel Guzman High School, Academic period 2023- 2024". The drama strategies help students be more reliable in communicating with other people, improve their fear of public speaking, and improve their English skills. For this reason, the theoretical framework is disclosed in a brief review of the methods or techniques used to apply the different drama strategies. In addition, the methodology revealed mixed methods involving the use of quantitative and qualitative styles. Two teachers were interviewed, and 31 students were surveyed as a sample to develop the research. The development of the proposal took into account the different opinions of the students and teachers since it showed a deficiency in the learners' knowledge in wanting to learn English, the lack of motivation, and the use of conventional strategies by the teacher, among other aspects. Because of this, the development of one academic guide contains three units; within each unit, there are three lessons with topic specifics that help learners improve their speaking skills, as well as reading, writing, listening, grammar, and vocabulary. Finally, the conclusions and recommendations will benefit future research by students that encourage using drama strategies to develop speaking skills. This academic guide promotes the learning of English as a foreign language.
Description: To apply Drama strategy in the development of English-speaking senior students at Victor Manuel Guzman High- School in 2022-2023.
metadata.dc.identifier.other: FECYT/4373
metadata.dc.coverage: Ibarra. Ecuador LICENCIATURA
metadata.dc.identifier.mfn: 0000042100
metadata.dc.contributor.deparment: Licenciada en Pedagogía de los Idiomas Nacionales y Extranjeros Mención Inglés
Appears in Collections:Pedagogía de los Idiomas Nacionales y Extranjeros

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