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05 FECYT 4331 logo.jpg.jpg18-sep-2023Total Physical Response Method to Develop Speaking Skills in Fifth Grade Cognitive Disability Students at Unidad Educativa Teodoro Gómez de la Torre, Academic Period 2022-2023Fuentes Cruz, José AlexisObando Arroyo, José Miguel
FECYT 4454 LOGO.jpg.jpg29-feb-2024Total Physical Response Method to Improve Speaking Fluency in Elementary Students of Otavalo High School, Academic Period 2022-2023Diaz Flores, Joel DavidObando Arroyo, José Miguel
FECYT 4129 LOGO.jpg.jpg8-may-2023Total Physical Response Strategies To improve vocabulary with 6th-grade students at the Enma Graciela Romero School of Tabacundo in the academic year 2022 – 2023Freire González, Nicole AlejandraObando Arroyo, José Miguel
FECYT 4440 LOGO.jpg.jpg20-feb-2024Total Physical Response to Improve Speaking Fluency in Elementary Students of Otavalo High School, Academic Period 2022-2023Díaz Flores, Joel DavidObando Arroyo, José Miguel
05 FECYT 4262 logo.jpg.jpg20-jul-2023Traditional Music of Imbabura to Improve Listening Skills in Junior Students at Daniel Reyes High School, Academic Period 2022-2023Maigua Farinango, Erick RamiroObando Arroyo, José Miguel
FECYT 4587 LOGO.jpg.jpg8-jul-2024Use of traditional legends of Ibarra to improve reading skills on EFL sixth level students at Víctor Manuel Guzmán HighschoolGarcía Varela, Marco DavidObando Arroyo, José Miguel
FECYT 3963 LOGO.png.jpg9-may-2022Use of videogames as resource for the development of listening and speaking skills in utn students.Solano Gualacata, Anderson FabricioObando Arroyo, José Miguel
05 FECYT 3694 logo.jpg.jpg19-oct-2020Using cultural aspects and places of interest from Tulcán to develop didactic english materialPortilla Lomas, Wilson SantiagoObando Arroyo, José Miguel
FECYT 4106 Logo.JPG.jpg30-mar-2023Using songs as a didactic strategy to develop listening skills with freshman students at Alfredo Albuja High School from Ibarra in 2021-2022 school yearVernaza Casquete, José ElíasObando Arroyo, José Miguel
FECYT 4575 LOGO.jpg.jpg18-jun-2024Using videos as a strategy to teach the pronunciation of Plosive Bilabial Minimal Pairs in seventh-grade students at Juan Pablo II High School,academic period 2022-2023Montenegro Fernández, Stefany MishelleObando Arroyo, José Miguel
FECYT 4164 LOGO.jpg.jpg7-jun-2023Web tool pic lits activities as a strategy to enhance writing narrative construction in first level english major students at utn university, academic period 2022-2023Ordoñez Chávez, Claudio EstefanoObando Arroyo, José Miguel
05 FECYT 4124 logo.jpg.jpg2-may-2023Youtube as an e-learning tool to improve listening skills in 1° “BGU” of Unidad Educativa Salesiana Sánchez y Cifuentes from IbarraCriollo Cholango, Alex FernandoObando Arroyo, José Miguel